Argali White & Yellow is a program that searches multiple telephone directories.
Argali White & Yellow can search for people phone numbers, business phone numbers, reverse search like "whose phone number is this?" or "what businesses are at/on this address/street?", search for toll-free phone numbers, maps, search for area codes, zip codes, weather conditions and forecast.
The program will show the results sorted (by last/business name, address, street name, city, state, zip code or phone number). The list can be saved into a file (in html, csv or text format), printed or emailed to others.
Argali White & Yellow remembers your last 20 search results. The program updates itself when a new version becomes available.
Argali White & Yellow comes in two different editions: Personal and Professional.
The Personal Edition is ad supported (you will see an ad window on the left, and sponsored links in every search) and free. It can be installed only on individual computers. Darwin Holdings, Inc. gives technical support only via email for this edition.
The Professional Edition (Argali Pro) doesn't display ads and is subscription based. It can be installed on individual computers, networks and terminal servers. There is technical support available via email and telephone.
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